Eddie is in a conversation with an unseen stranger, we cannot hear the responses…

Eddie Willers: “…That’s what people are whispering…”

pauses to listen…

Eddie Willers, answering: “…The newspapers haven’t printed a word about it.”


Eddie Willers, sarcastically: “The boys in Washington say that it’s only a rumor spread by panic-mongers.”

listens briefly…

Eddie Willers, uncertainly: “I don’t know whether the story is true.” (more definitely) “I think it is.” (with conviction) “I hope it is…”

Eddie Willers, continues reflectively: “You know, when I was fifteen years old, I used to wonder how any man could come to be a criminal, I couldn’t understand what would make it possible. Now — I’m glad that Ragnar Danneskjöld blew up those towers. May God bless him and never let them find him, whatever and where ever he is.”

pauses to listen…

Eddie Willers: “Yes. That’s what I’ve come to feel. Well, how much do they think people can take?”

pauses briefly…

Eddie Willers: “It’s not so bad for me in the daytime, because I can keep busy and not think, but it gets me at night. I can’t sleep any more, I lie awake for hours …”

Transition to Eddie Willers apartment…